What sign can you do?

John 6:30-35 If I wasn't in the same boat as these sinners following Jesus I would probably be laughing right in their face. I often wonder how Jesus kept from rolling on the grass laughing at what some people do. Today we hear the crowd ask Him, "What sign can you do, that we may see and believe in you? What can you do?..." Is this not the same crowd who in verse 2 we are told - "followed him, because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick ."? Are these not the same people who in verse 14 " when they saw the sign he had done, they said, "This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world."? Yet still they seek a sign. However, they are not seeking a sign so that they might believe, they are wanting to be fed. Jesus worked a "sign" with the loaves and the fishes and now they want Him to do it again. Wisely, Jesus is using their bellies to get to their hearts; He is using earthly things to move them,

Learning never stops

I have four boys so you would think that I would know a little bit about rearing kids. This should be especially true in the basics - food, shelter, clothing, etc. However, with the birth of Catherine Therese and her wonderful homecoming, I have found that I have at least two things to learn (so far)
1. How to bottle feed a child.
2. How to change a girl's diaper!


Barbara said…
That girl's diaper cleaning can be tricky! After three boys, I had to ask the nurse in the hospital to give me a lesson. At least she is not likely to pee on you!