What sign can you do?

John 6:30-35 If I wasn't in the same boat as these sinners following Jesus I would probably be laughing right in their face. I often wonder how Jesus kept from rolling on the grass laughing at what some people do. Today we hear the crowd ask Him, "What sign can you do, that we may see and believe in you? What can you do?..." Is this not the same crowd who in verse 2 we are told - "followed him, because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick ."? Are these not the same people who in verse 14 " when they saw the sign he had done, they said, "This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world."? Yet still they seek a sign. However, they are not seeking a sign so that they might believe, they are wanting to be fed. Jesus worked a "sign" with the loaves and the fishes and now they want Him to do it again. Wisely, Jesus is using their bellies to get to their hearts; He is using earthly things to move them,


Most of these are pictures from last Sunday. We had friends out for hot dogs and corn on the cob. We soaked the corn in water for an hour and then placed them, husk and all, right on the coals. Unbelievably good!!! We had Smore's later.

Give 3 boys the opportunity to catch weeds on fire and swing them around and this is what you get. Pretty awesome!

(today) All ready to get firewood for the next campfire.

Dad really made us work!

Wait till tomorrow guys!!! hahahahahahahahahhahaha


Patience said…
Great pictures! Is that like your backyard? How many acres do you live on??