Jesus said, "told ya!"

I don't know about you but I have often had dreams of deceased loved ones. In my dreams we spend time together doing the things we loved to do. I've dreamed of sitting at my grandmother's kitchen table playing cards with her and talking. I've dreamed of working on a project with my father. I've dreamed of fishing with my younger brother. Yet, when I wake, sadly, I realize it was just a dream and nothing more. In today's Gospel the disciples that jogged back from Emmaus are telling their brothers about all that had happened. In the midst of this story, Jesus appears out of nowhere. Surely the two disciples were struggling to tell their story while also trying to catch their breath after their seven mile run. Yet, here is Jesus. They and the others must have thought that they were dreaming or, as Jesus says reading their hearts, " touch me and see, for a ghost does not have flesh and bones. " Scripture tells us that the disciples were "startled an

Hahn Homeschool Pictures

I meant to post these pictures last week for Catholic Schools Week.  Oh well, better late than never I guess.

Star Student
Another Star Student
...and another...
and one more.
Pre-school Picnic

Science Project
Typical look at the work area.  Yikes!
Field Trip?


Cathy LeBlanc said…
you should replace that glass of milk in the work area with a glass of wine or bottle of home brew ;)