The Sheepfold and the Voice of the Shepherd

Stone sheepfold John 10:22-30 Recently my boys have been spending a great deal of time outside in the area that will soon be transformed into our garden. They spend endless hours digging in the dirt for worms. They then promptly take those worms and throw them to the chickens. It amazes me how even chickens can learn to recognize sounds or voices. My oldest makes this funny high-pitched sound when he comes out of the house and heads toward the coop. The chickens practically fall over themselves running toward the fence or out of the coop when they hear him making his sound. They know there is food to follow! In Sunday's Gospel Jesus tells us that, "My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me." and "I am the gate for the sheep." Today, again, Jesus mentions that His sheep know His voice and follow Him.  In these few verses we learn that Jesus is both gate and shepherd for the sheep. In those days and even today in some places, a sheepfold w

Stuffing the Ballot Box with Catholic Carnival 201

From This That and the Other Thing, our gracious host for the Catholic Carnival this week. I'd better get my house in order since I'm hostin' the postin' next week!

Since I don't have Sarah's knack for photo essays, I'm going to make this version of the carnival an exercise in ballot box stuffing and shameless self-promotion. After reading this week's entries, leave a comment nominating one post as "Post of the Week". It can be your post, or someone else's. Leaving one comment on this post is one vote. If that comment links to a post on your blog promoting this carnival and contest, it is worth two votes. Since the post on your blog can encourage your readers to vote for a particular post (and to post on their blogs supporting that post) it is an opportunity for old-fashioned politics at its best. Read More....
