The Sheepfold and the Voice of the Shepherd

Stone sheepfold John 10:22-30 Recently my boys have been spending a great deal of time outside in the area that will soon be transformed into our garden. They spend endless hours digging in the dirt for worms. They then promptly take those worms and throw them to the chickens. It amazes me how even chickens can learn to recognize sounds or voices. My oldest makes this funny high-pitched sound when he comes out of the house and heads toward the coop. The chickens practically fall over themselves running toward the fence or out of the coop when they hear him making his sound. They know there is food to follow! In Sunday's Gospel Jesus tells us that, "My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me." and "I am the gate for the sheep." Today, again, Jesus mentions that His sheep know His voice and follow Him.  In these few verses we learn that Jesus is both gate and shepherd for the sheep. In those days and even today in some places, a sheepfold w

90 Day Rosary of Reparation - Day 1

Today we begin our 90 Day Rosary of Reparation.  If you would like to join your prayers to ours, please join our Facebook Group or simply download the intention sheet that we'll be using for the 90 days.

The Glorious Mysteries - We pray for Healing in the Church

The Resurrection - The Resurrection is the ultimate healing event. It is a repair of the definitive division experienced by human nature. This mystery gives us hope knowing that the Lord can heal all things, He can make all things new, even the division, pain, and suffering experienced by His Church.

Lord, you made the blind see, the deaf hear, the crippled walk. Heal the Church, give her sight, hearing, and the power to once again walk through this world as a light to the nations. Heal the Church and bring it to new life.

The Ascension - In this mystery we are reminded that the Church is more than what we see here on earth. The Church includes the Saints in Heaven as well as the Souls in Purgatory. We are all in this together. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us and our brothers and sisters in Christ cheer us on while we run this race.

Lord, heal the Church on earth of its inclinations to sin. Give it the strength to resist the cunning of the devil. Help your Church on earth as it travels through this valley of tears. Make it once again a sacrament of salvation pointing all to the place you have gone to prepare for us.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit - St. Paul tells us that the Spirit helps us cry out “Abba, Father”, when words will no longer express themselves in human voice.

Lord, hear the prayer of our hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit, “Abba, Father”. Father, send forth the Holy Spirit upon the Church as you did at Pentecost. Give us a greater outpouring of grace and healing. Your Church is hurting right now, Lord, and in our pain the only words that will come are, “Abba, Father”.

The Assumption of Mary - Mary is the model of the Church. She is what we were to be before the sin of Adam and Eve. Let us therefore find hope in her Assumption. Let us trust that what God has done for Our Lady, He will also do for the Church bringing to Himself and wiping away all tears of this earthly life.

Lord, help us to trust that all things work for the good for those who love you. Help the Church to love you more and more. Hear the prayers of your children for healing. Hear the prayers of our mother, Mary, for healing in your Church.

The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth - Mary had to suffer in this earthly realm but through it all she trusted in God’s plan and now she enjoys the company of her Son for all eternity. The Queen sits by the King of Kings interceding for her hurting children, for the Church.

Lord, hear the heartfelt prayers of your mother on our behalf. Send forth your mercy, peace, and healing to the Church not because we are deserving but because You are Mercy incarnate. Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of the Church, Hope of Christians, pray for healing in the Church on earth, as it is in Heaven!

If you like these meditations, you may also like Rosary Meditations for Real Life, Rosary Meditations for the Family, or download all of our free meditation pamphlets.
