The Sheepfold and the Voice of the Shepherd

Stone sheepfold John 10:22-30 Recently my boys have been spending a great deal of time outside in the area that will soon be transformed into our garden. They spend endless hours digging in the dirt for worms. They then promptly take those worms and throw them to the chickens. It amazes me how even chickens can learn to recognize sounds or voices. My oldest makes this funny high-pitched sound when he comes out of the house and heads toward the coop. The chickens practically fall over themselves running toward the fence or out of the coop when they hear him making his sound. They know there is food to follow! In Sunday's Gospel Jesus tells us that, "My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me." and "I am the gate for the sheep." Today, again, Jesus mentions that His sheep know His voice and follow Him.  In these few verses we learn that Jesus is both gate and shepherd for the sheep. In those days and even today in some places, a sheepfold w

Moses and childlike faith

The conversation between God and Moses at the burning bush in modern (social media) form.

God: Go to Pharaoh and tell him to set my people free

Moses: Wait, what?

God:  I've heard the cry of my people and I have chosen you to go address Pharaoh and demand their freedom.

Moses:  You know I'm a wanted man in that country right?  Murder, etc?  I'm probably not the best choice for this gig.

God: I'll be with you and will give you the words to speak.

Moses:  Okay, but, sorry for asking this, how will I know you'll be with me?

God:  The proof that I will give you is that when my people are free, you'll worship here on this mountain.


God: What?

Moses: You are asking me to go to Pharaoh and "demand" that he set free your people, his slaves?

God: Right!

Moses: ...and you'll be with me to help me with this task?

God: Yes!  Every step of the way!

Moses:  ...and the proof or sign you will give that all of this is your will is that when they are free we'll worship on this mountain.

God: Exactly, ready?


God: Problem?

Moses: Just so I have this straight...I'm to go to the most powerful man in the land and demand that he let your people go and the proof that this is your will is that when it's all said and done everyone will worship here months or even years from now.

God: Not real sure of the time frame but yes!


God: Just trust me, Moses.  It will all work out....

Have you ever felt like Moses in conversation with God about His will for your life?  Is God asking you to do something that seems impossible, outrageous, or ridiculous?  Is the only "sign" He's giving you is His promise it will be successful?

Who trusts a God like this?  Who walks solely by faith?  Who steps out onto the water regardless of the wind, waves, or (hello) water??

Jesus gives us the answer in the Gospel today - those who are childlike.  When I asked myself the questions above I immediately thought of my 2 year-old son or even my 9 year-old son.  Both would look at me like I was crazy for asking them to do something that seemed impossible.  However, they would do it!  Why?  They have childlike faith in me. They have faith that I would never ask them to do something that would bring them harm.

Do you have that sort of childlike faith in the Father who would never ask you to do something that would bring you harm?  Do you trust Him?  Abraham trusted in God's promise of countless children though he never saw it fulfilled in this life.  Moses trusted in God's plan for him though he couldn't understand how it would happen.  Mary trusted in the words of the angel.  Jesus trusted in the Father even to death.

In each case God fulfilled His promises ten-fold.  Although it may not have happened as we would have imagined it playing out, He was and is always faithful.  Will you trust Him?

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Check out his ongoing memoir about life with his special-needs daughter.

If you'd like to make a donation to help get this book about Catherine completed, our family would greatly appreciate that and you'll be the first to know when it's ready.

God bless you - Jim Hahn

* Contains affiliate links. No, that doesn't mean that the kids should leave the room. Rather, it means that if you click on a link, and if you purchase something, I may get some financial remuneration for that click and buy. All that means is that my kids will finally get to eat, just kidding but I may get something, just so you know...
