The Seasons: A Poem

Sunrise over Amazing Grasses Family Farm The mad Artist wields His brush, Painted colors rush, To life and give flush, Before the quiet autumn hush. The life seems to pour, As colors fall to the floor, To be seen no more, Outside the dark, grey door. Brightness from below, Sun upon the snow, High, cold clouds blow, Flakes and ice appear to grow. The man melts with little seen, Underneath, pale, grey green, Hides life in dark unseen, Waits for warmth and to careen. Buds on branches show, Patience starts to grow, Trickles, streams and veins flow, Bringing fruits of melted snow. Sprung to life it springs, Bees, birds, sound rings, Lush green flings, Its gift bounty brings. Green growth gives one last rush, Underneath the Painter's brush. The mad Artist wields His brush, before the quiet autumn hush. More poetry is available from James M. Hahn in  The Last Dragon and Other Poems  available now. My new book of cryptogram puzzles " Secret Messages from the Saints " is avai

Morning Hike

Early this morning the boys and I decided to play hooky from homeschool for a while and go on an expedition in search of Hickory and Buckeye nuts up on the hill behind the house. It was a beautiful morning, cool with a touch of dew to make our pants nice and soaked through by the time we returned to the house.

We didn't find many nuts. Either the squirrels got them all, which in my opinion signals a bad winter, or there weren't many because of the late frost. We had a nice long walk without too many incidents. #3 did fall and had a stick go up his nose but after a few tears and a few moments of wiping away blood and....well, let's just say he felt well enough to continue on.

Here are some pictures from the top of the hill and the hike. (Click on the picture for a larger view)

This is our home as seen from the top of the hill. Looking at this makes me dream of sledding or tubing down this hill at about Mach 3.

Here is our house (R) and grandma and grandpa's house (L) from the top of the hill.

This is looking the opposite direction - West - from the hill.

Into the woods with my band off hobbits.


Nicole said…
He had a STICK go up his nose???? That's it, morning sickness or not, I'm going next time. ;-)
James M. Hahn said…
It wasn't all the way up like into his brain or anything and at least it wasn't in his eye...We WCSS always look on the bright side...
Bill Schmitzer said…
A little stick up his nose is good for him, it will put hair on his chest!!