A Temple of the Holy Spirit

Daniel & Catherine ready for Confirmation I had the privilege of witnessing my son and daughter receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this past Tuesday at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Lancaster, OH. It was a wonderful Mass with a full choir, trumpets, and all the rest. During his remarks, Bishop Earl K. Fernandes mentioned that we too, like the Basilica, are temples of the Lord. It caused me to reflect on this idea. Although I've mostly seen only pictures of the great cathedrals and basilicas in the world, I have seen some amazing churches even in our own diocese. These structures are a testament to the Church's love for God (read the entire Church - Militant, Suffering, Triumphant). They represent great skill, sacrifice, and passion for Our Lord and often times His Mother.  Yet the words of Christ always echo in my mind when contemplating the beauty that surrounds me in those places; “ Do you see these great buildings? There will not be one stone left u


The weight, the pain, the hate
self destroyed, destruction reaches out
touching those who are close
those who depend upon my love

Worthless, no good, terrible
father, husband, man, person
unseen the lies float
entering the mind, tearing the heart, numbing the soul

Despair, get what you can, live for you
son of Adam, worse than Adam
drowning, dying, no fight left inside
teeth bare, claws there, soul his fare.

In the darkness, light
behind the curtain, grill, screen
a man in the person of Christ
brings the light that makes me clean.

A simple, gentle, grace
yet so powerful
returning the child of God
to his rightful place.

Outstretched hand
drips the blood though unseen
washed in the crimson of the lamb
by the men behind the screen.

Free at last
broken chains
screams of defeat
he'll be back again

What led to this state
examine it well
when attacks come once more
be prepared, resist the spell

Firm resolve
death rather than sin
die to self
live for Him.

Inexhaustible grace
lies quiet in this place
