A Temple of the Holy Spirit

Daniel & Catherine ready for Confirmation I had the privilege of witnessing my son and daughter receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this past Tuesday at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Lancaster, OH. It was a wonderful Mass with a full choir, trumpets, and all the rest. During his remarks, Bishop Earl K. Fernandes mentioned that we too, like the Basilica, are temples of the Lord. It caused me to reflect on this idea. Although I've mostly seen only pictures of the great cathedrals and basilicas in the world, I have seen some amazing churches even in our own diocese. These structures are a testament to the Church's love for God (read the entire Church - Militant, Suffering, Triumphant). They represent great skill, sacrifice, and passion for Our Lord and often times His Mother.  Yet the words of Christ always echo in my mind when contemplating the beauty that surrounds me in those places; “ Do you see these great buildings? There will not be one stone left u

Abundant Harvest

Matthew 9:32-38

In the case of our family the text should probably read, "the weeds are many but the laborers are off picking blackberries."- (a dark purplish-black berry that grows on a thorny bush not the kind you use to check email)

After a week of vacation the weeds have taken over the garden in full force. Why can't rabbits like weeds instead of lettuce and beans?! I spent much of the day yesterday weeding the tomato plants and cutting the grass on the paths in the garden with grass shears while the boys were collecting blackberries. There was one berry in the bucket for every three in their mouth.

I think the situation ties in with the Gospel for today especially in my own life. I know that I have heard the call for laborers probably hundreds of times but I prefer to pick berries. Part of gardening is weeding as well as harvesting. There is a lot of work involved from the breaking of the soil to the preserving of the goods. I can't always be the one who harvests and I shouldn't desire only to do so. In my spiritual life too I often go for the easy fruit. I stay on the path and pick here and there: go to mass, pray a rosary, offer up a sacrifice. Only when I really start to work does the growth really show. Only when I am consistently watering my soul with prayer does my prayer life being to grow. Only when I practice acts of mortification am I strong enough to stand up during the storm that blows. Only when I keep the garden of my heart free from weeds (sin) by constantly pulling them up by the roots through the sacrament of Confession, do I allow fruit to set.

All of this is part of the work that prepares me for the harvest. All of this also inspires others to work on the garden of their soul as well. When they see the wonderful fruits that come forth in my life, they too will desire such and work on changing their life. The harvest is and can be even more abundant but the laborers are few. Will you work for the Gardener?
