A Temple of the Holy Spirit

Daniel & Catherine ready for Confirmation I had the privilege of witnessing my son and daughter receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this past Tuesday at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Lancaster, OH. It was a wonderful Mass with a full choir, trumpets, and all the rest. During his remarks, Bishop Earl K. Fernandes mentioned that we too, like the Basilica, are temples of the Lord. It caused me to reflect on this idea. Although I've mostly seen only pictures of the great cathedrals and basilicas in the world, I have seen some amazing churches even in our own diocese. These structures are a testament to the Church's love for God (read the entire Church - Militant, Suffering, Triumphant). They represent great skill, sacrifice, and passion for Our Lord and often times His Mother.  Yet the words of Christ always echo in my mind when contemplating the beauty that surrounds me in those places; “ Do you see these great buildings? There will not be one stone left u

Teach us to pray

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

There is so much to think about with the readings today that I am having a difficult time putting my thoughts into a meaningful blog. So, I will simply list my thoughts and see where it leads.

1. Isn't it ironic that in asking Jesus to teach them how to pray the disciples are praying - talking to God.

2. Pray for others first. In the first reading Abraham prays for others. He prays that God would spare the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of those "righteous" who might live there, probably hoping to save Lot and his family. In the Gospel Jesus tells a story about a man seeking bread from a friend and here too the man is seeking not something for himself but for others.

3. Be persistent in prayer. Abraham guessed that his badgering God may be getting on the Lord's nerves but he presses on never ceasing in his prayer for the salvation of his friends and family. Jesus tells us that even if the man did not answer the request of his friend because of their friendship he did so because of his persistence. Jesus invites us to imitate these examples in our own prayer life. Do not give up praying. Look at how long some of the saints prayed for the conversion of friends and family members. Often their prayers were not answered until many years later but that time seemed as nothing once the prayer was answered.

4. God answers our prayers in the way that is best for us. Yes, you and I would never hand our children a hand grenade when he or she asks for a cupcake. Nor would we hand them a hand grenade if they ask for a hand grenade. Why, because we know what is best for our children. Likewise, God knows what is best for us. We may not like for Him to tell us no. We may throw a fit. We may stomp around the house, head hung low and lower lip dragging the ground but it is for our own good that He says no. On the other hand, the answer God gives to us may appear to be a snake when we have asked for a fish. His answer to our prayer can often seem like the most painful, hurtful thing God has ever "done to us". when in reality, and with prayer and time, we will see that what He "did" was the best thing that ever happened to us and truly an awesome answer to our prayer.

5. It appears that I have been praying for the wrong things. After all this discourse, after all the mention of bread, fish, eggs, etc., after it appears that we are to be praying for earthly needs the passage jumps course. Jesus says that we are to be praying for the Holy Spirit. What could this mean? The Holy Spirit is God's best gift to us. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us pray. Saint Paul says, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs to deep for words.(Romans 8:26) When we cry, "Abba! Father!" is is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God."(Romans 8:15b-16)

"How much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" Jesus wants us to pray that the Father send forth the Holy Spirit upon us that we might pray as we should. Come Holy Spirit, Come!

FROM THE SAINTS - "Persevere in prayer. Persevere even when your efforts seem sterile. Prayer is always fruitful." - Saint Josemaria Escriva, The Way, 101
