Happy 16th Birthday Catherine Therese!!

Although you'll never read this my sweet Catherine, I love you. 16 years ago you changed our life forever. All of your siblings have done this in their own way but you have done so in a very special way. You have made me more empathetic, compassionate, and much more prayerful. Your smile lights up the world around you and we are all blessed by it.  It's not easy living with a saint. You remind me of my weakness and limited time on this earth. You challenge me to go deeper within myself and find what the Lord is trying to teach me...usually patience. You are made in His image and likeness but He uses you so that I can see my own beauty, goodness, and shortcomings.  You struggle mightily against me with every bath, diaper change, and wardrobe change. I struggle mightily with Him against all the changes He wills in my life. You depend on me and your mom for even the simplest of things. You teach me to depend on Him for everything and not rely on my on strength. You teach me that I

Pirate Movie

I took the boys to the movies on Friday afternoon to see the new Veggie Tales movie - The Pirates Who Don't do Anything. We love Veggie Tales and make it a point to see them all. My boys were not disappointed since they rarely get to go to a movie for two reasons 1) Rarely are there any worth seeing except for those like Toy Story or Cars (by the way, why are so many animated movies rated PG? They are basically cartoons, right?). 2) Cost - It cost almost $50 for the three of us to see this movie.
I have to say that I was disappointed. It was nothing like the Jonah movie. There was little comedy and even less humor for adults. If you've never seen a Veggie Tales production, you must understand that they usually do a good job of throwing in jokes, references, etc that adults can appreciate. I was hoping for more of that even poking some fun a the Pirates of the Caribbean movies but alas, it was not there. It was good clean fun for a Friday afternoon but it could have been better. The animation was great and was fun to watch. Plus Mr. Lund was chased by cheese curls which is always good for a laugh.
I wish those at Big Idea would have made the Lord of the Bean into a full length movie or Minnesota Cuke (a play on Indiana Jones) into a feature film. Oh well, we'll continue to support them and hope for a better outcome next time.
