Mary, May, and Mother's Day

A few years ago I wrote some rosary meditations for Mother's Day for my mom and my wife. Many have enjoyed them so I wanted to share them with you all. The meditations are in a three-fold PDF flyer format for downloading. The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for Mother's Day * please disregard the website and phone number on the front of the flyer * feel free to copy and distribute Did you enjoy this post? Never miss a blog post from James M. Hahn by following now.   My new book of cryptogram puzzles " Secret Messages from the Saints " is available now.    Click here to read more from James M. Hahn - Blog - Books  - Fiction Check out his ongoing memoir about life with his special-needs daughter. Our Giant Wall Rosaries are a perfect addition to your prayer corner, chapel, or classroom. * Contains affiliate links. No, that doesn't mean that the kids should leave the room. Rather, it means that if you click on a link, and if you purchase something, I may get

The Hierarchy of Life Issues

In August of this year I had to attend a certification program hosted by the Diocese. I like to refer to these programs as "re-programming or brainwashing programs." During these programs, leaders in parish catechesis are "taught" the basics of the faith so that they may in turn pass them on to the faithful in the parish. God forbid. During these programs I have learned that Scripture is full of error and one day there could be women priests in addition to other grave errors. I don't have all of my notes in front of me or I would list them all.

During the class in August we were reminded that when voting we must remember that "life issues" include all sorts of topics and should not be limited to abortion only. It was drilled into our heads that we should not be "single issue voters". We spent an entire hour brainstorming ways to help do away with the death penalty but not a minute on the right to life. In fact, the literature that was handed out gave a scenario of an "unplanned pregnancy" and what the options were. One of the options, abortion. Did I mention that this was billed as a morality class?

So that you don't think I am simply in a bad mood as I post this morning I will move to my point. I do not understand those who claim to be pro-life but vote against life. Yes, those who voted for Mr. Obama, all the while claiming to be faithful Catholics, I do not understand you. Your line of thinking does not follow any logic that I am aware of. In my mind, and I try to be as open as possible without having my brains fall out (G.K. Chesterton), the two positions are irreconcilable. Either you are for life in all of its stages or you are against it.

Of course there are those who will say that "life issues" are also concerned with the poor, the homeless, the sick, etc.. as well as the unborn. They say that these issues are equal in importance. That too goes against common sense and I would invite those folks to meditate on today's Gospel. Jesus says, "The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones." Contrary to what has been preached by many in this country, clergy and laity alike, there is a hierarchy of importance in the issues of life.

How can you expect me to believe that a man, who has no respect for innocent human life, will help the poor? How can you expect me to believe that a man, who supports leaving a child born alive in a hospital closet to die, will pick up the homeless and take care of them? How can you expect me to believe that a man, who wants to remove any and all obstacles to access to abortion as well as needed information for the mother in a difficult situation, will reach out and care for the sick?

If he is not faithful in little things, how will he be faithful in larger things. If he will not respect life in its most innocent and vulnerable stages, we are fools to believe that he will respect life in any stage!

However, let us not believe that he alone holds the key to the future of the unborn. Yes, he has the power to undo 35 years of pro-life work and that is frightening. What is even more frightening is that many of our fellow Catholics voted for him. Here we being to see the result of over 35 years of poor catechesis, that in some places continues today. Our job, as it always has been, is to bring Christ to the world and change the hearts of this nation. Volunteer not only at the pregnancy center but as a catechist as well. Protest at the abortion mill and the diocesan offices if they are not following the Gospel of Life. Let us be wise, children of light, and learn a thing or two about grassroots and community organizing!

There is much work to be done but if we are faithful in the little things, God will help us that much more with the bigger things. Let us adopt the attitude of St. Paul from the first reading, "In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret... I can do all things through him who strengthens men."


Emily said…
Wonderful post, James. Some great tips here.
amy said…
Awesome-so well put. You have summed up perfectly how voting pro-life is not being "single issue" & how it is the most important issue we face.
Barbara said…
I do not understand either. I can understand, not agree with, but understand, all other issues. I cannot understand this one. And I think that's because those who are pro-choice are being intellectually dishonest with themselves about what abortion is.

I heard that fifty percent of Catholics voted pro-death. That, if nothing else, is a line in the sand. Not only does this country have a huge fight ahead, but so does our church. In this election, specifically, I don't think anyone can say they didn't know. God help us all.
James M. Hahn said…
The more I think about this the more I realize that many who are pro-choice, including our president-to-be, have a twisted logic behind their actions. They do see new life as the fundamental issue. However, they see it in different terms. What better way to end poverty, hunger, etc., than to have less lives to worry about. Isn't this what we have been doing to third-world countries for decades? Haven't we been working to sterilize them so that we will have to care and share less and less. I believe both sides see life as the fundamental issue but for different reasons!