Do You Love Me?

I read today's Gospel through tears of joy. I was profoundly touched by the conversation between Jesus and Peter. I was moved to tears by the gentleness and compassion Jesus shows to Peter, and to us if we but ask.  The gregarious, outspoken disciple is finally humbled by the Lord and recognizes, maybe for the first time, that Jesus truly loves him, trusts him, forgives, and forgets all of Peter's failings and weaknesses. This passage is moving but we would do well to first read the entire 21st Chapter of John, a mere 25 verses to really understand how the relationship between these two men has moved to an entirely different level. John brings his Gospel to a close by taking us back to the very beginning of the relationship. Back then, Peter was out fishing all night, catching nothing, before his first encounter with the Lord. Here too, Peter, who is at this point confused, wrestling with emotions of hope and guilt, joy and sorrow, is out fishing all night catching nothing. Ag

Meme: A Book Meme - Book Award

Steven at Book Reviews and More tagged me for this. A fun meme I must say...

The Rules:Pass this on to 5 blogging friends. Open the closest book to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56. Write the 5th sentence, as well as two to five sentences following that.

"But if there's a real war why don't they do anything? Don't you see that if the official version were true these chaps up here would attack and sweep the Town out of existence? They've got the strength. If they wanted to rescue us they could do it. But obviously the last thing they want is to end their so-called 'war'. The whole game depends on keeping in going." - The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis

I will pass this award / meme on to:
1. Sarah at Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering
2. Barbara at Praying for Grace
3. Emily at Catholic Poster Girl
4. Crystal at This is Our Life
5. Maramsey at Ladybugs & Bullfrogs


Unknown said…
Hi! Thanks for the tag. I was surprised to see me listed there. I read a lot of blogs but have no idea who reads mine!

By the way, your blog is great. I always feel God's love after reading your posts.
James M. Hahn said…
Thanks for playing along. Dittos on the who reads your blog part. You have a great family. God Bless you all.