Happy 16th Birthday Catherine Therese!!

Although you'll never read this my sweet Catherine, I love you. 16 years ago you changed our life forever. All of your siblings have done this in their own way but you have done so in a very special way. You have made me more empathetic, compassionate, and much more prayerful. Your smile lights up the world around you and we are all blessed by it.  It's not easy living with a saint. You remind me of my weakness and limited time on this earth. You challenge me to go deeper within myself and find what the Lord is trying to teach me...usually patience. You are made in His image and likeness but He uses you so that I can see my own beauty, goodness, and shortcomings.  You struggle mightily against me with every bath, diaper change, and wardrobe change. I struggle mightily with Him against all the changes He wills in my life. You depend on me and your mom for even the simplest of things. You teach me to depend on Him for everything and not rely on my on strength. You teach me that I

First Communion Day

Today was the big day for #1. He did great and so did all the family. Here are some pictures from the day.

Mimi, Grandpa Dave, Anthony and Catherine.

Grandma and Grandpa Hahn with Anthony.

...with uncle Dustin...

another little man...only about 4 years until we're doing this with him.

#2 got all dressed up for the occasion. His turn next year...

One big happy (except for #3-see lower right) family.

Even uncle Bill (aka Father William Hahn) made it for the Mass to concelebrate.
After Mass we went back home to grill and feast.
Cake by Mom, icing by Anthony, decorating by Dad.

After lunch an intense soccer game broke out with the "boys" (yes, Fr. Hahn often plays soccer in his black pants and shirt - no collar).

Action shot, notice the ball by the window....

#4 coming back from climbing trees.


Immaculatae said…
Congratulations! What a wonderful day. God bless you guys!
Patience said…
Love the cake! Gotta do something like that for dd's upcoming Confirmation.