Do You Love Me?

I read today's Gospel through tears of joy. I was profoundly touched by the conversation between Jesus and Peter. I was moved to tears by the gentleness and compassion Jesus shows to Peter, and to us if we but ask.  The gregarious, outspoken disciple is finally humbled by the Lord and recognizes, maybe for the first time, that Jesus truly loves him, trusts him, forgives, and forgets all of Peter's failings and weaknesses. This passage is moving but we would do well to first read the entire 21st Chapter of John, a mere 25 verses to really understand how the relationship between these two men has moved to an entirely different level. John brings his Gospel to a close by taking us back to the very beginning of the relationship. Back then, Peter was out fishing all night, catching nothing, before his first encounter with the Lord. Here too, Peter, who is at this point confused, wrestling with emotions of hope and guilt, joy and sorrow, is out fishing all night catching nothing. Ag

A Brush with Fame

Luke 8:19-21

Long ago, actually it seems in another life, I was hanging out in the clubs etc. My friends and I would often go to a very popular bar in the next town that had a "country" night. We would get dressed up in boots and hat and go have some fun. One night I found myself in the midst of a bunch of people dancing on the floor in a straight line as the bar closed. We had our arms on each others' shoulders (picture the Rockettes). We were having a great time and laughed and talked to the person on either side. The person on my right was a young man by the name of Tim McGraw. He is a little better known now than he was back then. A bunch of us hung out with Tim, drank beer, and talked about nothing in particular until closing time.  Friends of mine have a similar story about passing football at a local county fair with Garth Brooks.

I think everyone has their claim to fame. Everyone has some event in their life where they were near or ran into someone of famous. We hold on to these memories dearly and imagine that in some way we too share in their fame. I am sure it was no different in the days when Our Lord was working miracles in Galilee.

If anyone within the sound of Jesus' voice were envious of Jesus' mother or brethren because of their familial relationship they are set straight by the words of Our Lord. In today's Gospel Jesus reminds me that the only way to share in His "fame" is to not only hear the word of God but also to do it.  Being friends or family is not enough for Jesus, the relationship has to go deeper than that.

Too often I think that since I follow the basic rules I am entitled to something. I think that since I am a "good person" I have some sort of claim on Christ. My only claim in reality, the only thing that is truly my own, my only claim to "fame" is my sin. Yet, though it be as scarlet He can make it clean and restore me to His family.

Lord Jesus, help me to stay ever vigilant against the tricks of the devil. Give me the grace to go through each day with open eyes and see that we are true kinsman, brothers, with the same Father and Mother only when I "hear the word of God and do it."

"I shall recall the straying; I shall seek the lost. Whether they wish it or not, I shall do it. And should the brambles of the forest tear at me when I seek them, I shall force myself through all straits; I shall pull down all hedges. So far as the God whom I fear grants me strength, I shall search everywhere." - Saint Augustine

What's your claim to fame?  Met someone famous?  Tell us about it in the comment section!

My new book of poetry, The Last Dragon and Other Poems is available now.

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God bless you - Jim Hahn

* Contains affiliate links. No, that doesn't mean that the kids should leave the room. Rather, it means that if you click on a link, and if you purchase something, I may get some financial remuneration for that click and buy. All that means is that my kids will finally get to eat, just kidding but I may get something, just so you know...
