Happy 16th Birthday Catherine Therese!!

Although you'll never read this my sweet Catherine, I love you. 16 years ago you changed our life forever. All of your siblings have done this in their own way but you have done so in a very special way. You have made me more empathetic, compassionate, and much more prayerful. Your smile lights up the world around you and we are all blessed by it.  It's not easy living with a saint. You remind me of my weakness and limited time on this earth. You challenge me to go deeper within myself and find what the Lord is trying to teach me...usually patience. You are made in His image and likeness but He uses you so that I can see my own beauty, goodness, and shortcomings.  You struggle mightily against me with every bath, diaper change, and wardrobe change. I struggle mightily with Him against all the changes He wills in my life. You depend on me and your mom for even the simplest of things. You teach me to depend on Him for everything and not rely on my on strength. You teach me that I

Blessed Are You

Luke 6:20-26

Blessed are you who are poor

He who has but little,
In gift or in desire,
Surely shall inherit all,
When body moves up higher.
His life will have been spent,
In loving not the earth,
But in God alone his peace,
In God alone his worth.

Blessed are you who hunger

The man who seeks for justice,
And for his daily bread,
Will find a heavenly reward,
In being justly fed.
The stomach and the mind,
Groan to seek their fill,
On earth the quest is all for nought,
But eternity both fulfill.

Blessed are you who are now weeping

The tears of man flow down,
In a never ending stream,
Longing for a peace,
That with eyes of faith is seen.
The terror of the night,
And death that walks the land,
Shall disappear in our true home,
Never again to haunt a man.

Blessed are you when people hate you

The wrath of men unmoved,
By grace or thought or deed,
Cast insult and hate,
Blood spilled becomes the seed.
The beast or the gallows,
Mockery before a crowd,
Will all be blessing in the end,
So rejoice in your awaited crown.

"The waters have risen and severe storms are upon us, but we do not fear drowning, for we stand firmly upon a rock. Let the sea rage, in cannot break the rock. Let the waves rise, they cannot sink the boat of Jesus. What are we to fear? Death? Life to me means Christ, and death is gain. Exile? The earth and its fullness belong to the Lord. The confiscation of our goods? We brought nothing into this world, and we shall surely take nothing from it. I have only contempt for the world's threats, I find its blessings laughable. I have no fear of poverty, no desire for wealth. I am not afraid of death nor do I long to live, except for your good."
- Saint John Chrysostom

More poetry is available from James M. Hahn in The Last Dragon and Other Poems available now.

Click here to read more from James M. Hahn - Blog - Books 

Check out his ongoing memoir about life with his special-needs daughter.

Our Giant Wall Rosaries are a perfect addition to your prayer corner, chapel, or classroom.

If you have been blessed in some way by this post, the blog, or my writing, Your support is greatly appreciated and any gift is welcome. I'll be sure to add you to my prayer list and let you know when new books, series, and deals are available.  Thank you!



God bless you - Jim Hahn

* Contains affiliate links. No, that doesn't mean that the kids should leave the room. Rather, it means that if you click on a link, and if you purchase something, I may get some financial remuneration for that click and buy. All that means is that my kids will finally get to eat, just kidding but I may get something, just so you know...
