A Temple of the Holy Spirit

Daniel & Catherine ready for Confirmation I had the privilege of witnessing my son and daughter receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this past Tuesday at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Lancaster, OH. It was a wonderful Mass with a full choir, trumpets, and all the rest. During his remarks, Bishop Earl K. Fernandes mentioned that we too, like the Basilica, are temples of the Lord. It caused me to reflect on this idea. Although I've mostly seen only pictures of the great cathedrals and basilicas in the world, I have seen some amazing churches even in our own diocese. These structures are a testament to the Church's love for God (read the entire Church - Militant, Suffering, Triumphant). They represent great skill, sacrifice, and passion for Our Lord and often times His Mother.  Yet the words of Christ always echo in my mind when contemplating the beauty that surrounds me in those places; “ Do you see these great buildings? There will not be one stone left u

A Smoldering Wick

Matthew 12:14-21

On Monday we planted our "fall" crops. We planted spinach, brussell sprouts, peas, and more green beans. Watching green beans emerge from the soil fascinates me. Of course I don't sit in one spot for days but I check on them pretty regularly. Each day I can see small changes. First, little cracks appear in the soil as the plant pushes upward. Then clumps of dirt begin to rise as they ride on the top of the emerging plant. Finally, the dirt is pushed away and the plant's "bean leaves" appear. This amazes me because there is such intense power within those sprouting beans. In fact, one science book suggested planting the bean in the midst of four toothpicks or similar set up. After planting the bean you were to place a different number of coins on each bean to see how much it would lift.

Today's Gospel reminds me of the beans because God's power is most often manifested through slow, silent, yet powerful change. Jesus fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah perfectly. He did not "wrangle or cry aloud" - He was not looking for attention, He never worked a miracle for show. In fact, we often see Him trying to escape the crowds or find time alone to pray. Even during His execution He did not cry out but forgave and comforted.

Look at how many "bruised reeds" and "smoldering wicks" He encountered daily. He encountered the Magdalenes, the Matthews, and the Zaccheus' everyday and never did He destroy them. Instead He straightened and healed the bruised reeds and gently blew upon the smoldering wicks with the words and breath of eternal life kindling it [them] into a fire of love. With all of this slow, steady, silent humble work He brings about salvation.

Today too, Jesus encounters the smoldering wicks and the bruised reeds. Often He encounters them through us as His ambassadors. You and I are called to imitate Him and carry on His work. We are called to care for and comfort those bruised reeds - those who have been hurt and broken by their own sin or the sins of others. We are to help them heal and lead them toward Christ. We are called to enkindle those smoldering wicks - those who have nearly lost their faith in God and their fellow man. By our kind words and the slow, gentle, persistent breath of prayer on their behalf we can help the fire of love once again flame up in their hearts.

Lord Jesus, I am a smoldering wick and a bruised reed. Have mercy upon my soul and bring me back to life. Heal me of my sinfulness and set me on fire with love of you so that that love my overflow into my family and the world.

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If you'd like to make a donation to help get this book about Catherine completed, our family would greatly appreciate that and you'll be the first to know when it's ready.

God bless you - Jim Hahn

* Contains affiliate links. No, that doesn't mean that the kids should leave the room. Rather, it means that if you click on a link, and if you purchase something, I may get some financial remuneration for that click and buy. All that means is that my kids will finally get to eat, just kidding but I may get something, just so you know...


Mark V said…
Impressive Jim♥️🙌