Coming Soon: A New Book

If you enjoyed the poem I wrote last September, Did Jesus Have a Puppy ?, you will delight in the book version that has been beautifully illustrated by the daughter of a close friend.  The book will be released soon but I wanted to share what we have thus far. The illustrations are complete and the cover is nearly finished. I'm still working on finishing up the interior and adding a few surprises just for fun. If you'd like to know when the book is live and available for purchase, email me and I'll let you know the day before. Thanks as always for reading and a huge thank you to Karah B. (14 yrs old) for creating such wonderful, warm, spiritually uplifting illustrations to accompany the words. Did you enjoy this post? Never miss a blog post from James M. Hahn by following now.   My new book of cryptogram puzzles " Secret Messages from the Saints " is available now.    Click here to read more from James M. Hahn - Blog - Books  - Fiction Check out his ongoing m

The Struggle

My posting has been hit and miss. It has reflected my faith journey lately. I have been seriously struggling with what I believe. This is hard for many to believe but it is a serious condition that I label "Intellectual Catholicism." This is a situation in which one knows Church teaching, can defend Church teaching, can preach and teach Church teachings, but has a difficult time living it or even believing it. In other words, its all in the head but not in the heart.

Today things are much better. I started praying the Liturgy of the Hours again last night and today. I'm getting back into the habit of daily scripture reading and meditation. I am also planning on Confession Wednesday if not sooner.

How does this happen? How do the low spots in the walk of faith occur? There is no single answer but a combination of answers. The greatest problem is selfishness. I actually became comfortable in my disbelief because in my mind it excused me from culpability. Another problem, that my wife pointed out in her own loving way, is that I am melancholic. I see the world as it out to be. I have in my mind the way things are supposed to appear and when they don't work out that way I am crushed. My view of the faith was easily crushed when you consider the state of things in the Church today - scandal, liturgy, etc. Yet, when I reflected on this it made me realize that in throwing in the towel I was no longer part of the solution but part of the problem.

This faith thing is difficult at times. It seems as though the darkness has left for now, though I still struggle with some things, and I praise God for that. Please pray hard for me and for our Church who so desperately needs men and women to stand up and fight.



I just came across your blog so I don't know much of your history. But I can tell you that we all go through "Dry Times". Faith is tough but it is what is necessary for Salvation. I thing that Reconciliation and the Eucharist restore the Grace we need to keep lively in the Faith. Humility and Faith....God will take care of the rest...

Do you have access to an Adoration Chapel?
James M. Hahn said…
Thanks for the comments. Yes, as I look back I see dry times for sure. This past one was especially difficult. But it was not without growth and fruit. Yes, I do have access but I don't take advantage as I should. Thanks for reading!