Coming Soon: A New Book

If you enjoyed the poem I wrote last September, Did Jesus Have a Puppy ?, you will delight in the book version that has been beautifully illustrated by the daughter of a close friend.  The book will be released soon but I wanted to share what we have thus far. The illustrations are complete and the cover is nearly finished. I'm still working on finishing up the interior and adding a few surprises just for fun. If you'd like to know when the book is live and available for purchase, email me and I'll let you know the day before. Thanks as always for reading and a huge thank you to Karah B. (14 yrs old) for creating such wonderful, warm, spiritually uplifting illustrations to accompany the words. Did you enjoy this post? Never miss a blog post from James M. Hahn by following now.   My new book of cryptogram puzzles " Secret Messages from the Saints " is available now.    Click here to read more from James M. Hahn - Blog - Books  - Fiction Check out his ongoing m

The Hinge of the Cross

Mark 8:34 - 9:1

I like to think of this passage as the "hinge point" of this Gospel. Everything hinges on this call to "deny self" and follow Christ. Up to this point the disciples and other followers have experienced an incredible show of Jesus' power. They have watched Him heal the sick, the deaf, and the blind. He cast out demons and brought a little girl back to life. He taught them with incredible words and put the scribes and Pharisees in their place. For many, He has shown Himself as the Messiah although their idea of a Messiah is far different from God's idea.

It is shortly after Peter's proclamation that Jesus is the Messiah, that Jesus drops the bomb. Seemingly out of nowhere, He mentions the cross. He goes on to tell them that to follow Him they too must carry a cross. If they are ashamed of this cross and of Him, He will be ashamed of them in the Kingdom to come.

I must remember to put myself into their minds and see with their eyes. Like them, I would have been offended at this statement for this is not at all what I have envisioned as the way the Messiah would speak. In my mind, and probably theirs, a cross has no place in this Messianic picture. The kingdom we imagined was one of visible, undeniable, unstoppable power. It is the kingdom of God here on earth avenging the oppressed. It turns out that it is exactly all of that and more but in a way more in keeping with God's love.

Mark's Gospel hinges on the cross of Christ. It is at this point that we are called to decide. Will we take up the cross as Christ commands or turn away and go back to the world? Will we take the blows of this world when they learn of our devotion to Christ or will we be ashamed and cry out like Peter "I do not know the man"?

My salvation hinges on the cross, my cross, and my acceptance of it. As I approach Lent this question is rather timely. To follow Christ through the Gospel of Mark will mean certain suffering. The "good times" are over but the best time will come after the suffering. There will still be healings and miracles but I must keep the cross before me as I follow Him. To follow Christ through this Gospel and through life requires focus, focus on the cross.

Here are some great Lenten reading suggestions for this year!

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God bless you - Jim Hahn

* Contains affiliate links. No, that doesn't mean that the kids should leave the room. Rather, it means that if you click on a link, and if you purchase something, I may get some financial remuneration for that click and buy. All that means is that my kids will finally get to eat, just kidding but I may get something, just so you know...
