Mary, May, and Mother's Day

A few years ago I wrote some rosary meditations for Mother's Day for my mom and my wife. Many have enjoyed them so I wanted to share them with you all. The meditations are in a three-fold PDF flyer format for downloading. The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for Mother's Day * please disregard the website and phone number on the front of the flyer * feel free to copy and distribute Did you enjoy this post? Never miss a blog post from James M. Hahn by following now.   My new book of cryptogram puzzles " Secret Messages from the Saints " is available now.    Click here to read more from James M. Hahn - Blog - Books  - Fiction Check out his ongoing memoir about life with his special-needs daughter. Our Giant Wall Rosaries are a perfect addition to your prayer corner, chapel, or classroom. * Contains affiliate links. No, that doesn't mean that the kids should leave the room. Rather, it means that if you click on a link, and if you purchase something, I may get

Why is God so slow??

Luke 18:1-8

I nearly laughed out loud when reading this Gospel this morning.  It was the verse that reads, "Will he be slow to answer them?  I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily."

Seriously, speedily?  In my experience with prayer and the life of faith, God is anything but speedy.  I've prayed for things for years before anything happened.  I'm still praying for things that I've been praying about for years and I'm guessing I'll be praying for those intentions for years to come.

I'm not alone in my struggle with this idea of "speedily".  St. Monica prayed for years for St. Augustine to convert, as did my mom for me.  St. Teresa of Calcutta prayed for 50 years with no consolation from the Lord.  Simeon was an old man at the Presentation in the Temple after receiving word that he would not die until he saw the Messiah.  When did he receive this word?  A week previous? As a young man?  As a child?

In today's first reading we also see that in human terms, God is anything but speedy.  The Israelites experienced the Passover and crossing of the Red Sea after nearly 400 years of suffering, prayer, and petition to the Lord!

So what are we to make of this idea of God acting "speedily"?  As we well know, God's ways are not our ways and God's timing is not our timing.  The Gospel passage and parable are quick, a snip-it of time.  But how long did the widow persist?  A year, ten, 50 years or more?  We aren't told the answer so it would be good for those of us who live in an "instant world" to contemplate both the persistence and patience of the widow.  If God wills our petition, He will grant it, if He does not, He will change our hearts...and that certainly takes a great deal of time.

We should also consider that our idea of "justice" and God's idea are often vastly different.  What we may term justice may in reality be vengeance, selfishness, pride, greed, etc.  Here again our persistent, patient prayer will result in true justice or true conversion of our hearts to God's ways.

In the end, the words of the Responsorial Psalm ring out today, Remember the marvels the Lord has done!  The years St. Monica spent in prayer for St. Augustine seemed like a second in time when compared with her joy at his conversion.  Simeon, regardless of how long he waited, counted it as nothing when he laid eyes on the Child.  The Israelites sang and danced for generation upon generation unto this day at the marvels the Lord has done.  

What about you?  What do you have to be thankful for today?  What marvels has the Lord worked in your life that you need to "remember"?  A conversion?  A healthy diagnosis?  A safe trip?  A kind word from a stranger? A confirmation you sought?  Today, let us all Remember the marvels the Lord has done and continues to do, even if it take longer than we'd like.

My new book of poetry, The Last Dragon and Other Poems is available now.
Click here to read more from James M. Hahn - Blog - Books - Fiction

Check out his ongoing memoir about life with his special-needs daughter.

Our Giant Wall Rosaries are a perfect addition to your prayer corner, chapel, or classroom.

Your support is greatly appreciated and any gift is welcome. I'll be sure to add you to my prayer list and let you know when new books, series, deals are available.  Thank you!

God bless you - Jim Hahn

* Contains affiliate links. No, that doesn't mean that the kids should leave the room. Rather, it means that if you click on a link, and if you purchase something, I may get some financial remuneration for that click and buy. All that means is that my kids will finally get to eat, just kidding but I may get something, just so you know...
